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What is Team Activities for Special Kids (fondly known as TASK)? The premise is simple. TASK is comprised of a series of recreational programs created for kids with special needs--any special need--to come together and play a variety of sports and socialize with friends while increasing self-esteem. We believe that building self-esteem will build self-confidence, which in turn will build skills. The skills learned at TASK carry over into the everyday lives of our participants.
TASK was created in 1996 by Deb Fruend, an Adaptive Physical Education instructor, to address a concern among educators and parents that there were very few sports and social opportunities for kids with special needs in the St. Louis area. TASK began serving the community with 26 kids playing Tee Ball on a churchyard softball field. As word of the program spread, TASK grew into a year-round program with a multitude of activities, including sports. TASK’s objective is to give special needs athletes a place to play that is accepting and supportive. We strive to promote self-esteem, physical coordination, cooperation skills and other critical life skills for TASK participants.
Participants involved with our program have included individuals challenged by physical impairments, visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech/language impairments, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, behavior concerns, seizure disorders, attention deficit disorders and/or autism. Everyone is welcome at TASK! Adaptations and modifications are provided as needed in order to create success.
TASK goals include:
• Enhance self-esteem
• Develop self-confidence
• Increase motivation
• Provide modified team/individual sports
• Build sports skills and overall physical fitness
• Teach sportsmanship
• Encourage and increase social interaction
• Create team spirit
In addition to memorials and gifts, TASK receives financial support from local philanthropic organizations, various foundations and grants. Our program is primarily run by dedicated volunteers who support and guide athletes during TASK activities, make-up our Board of Directors and serve on planning committees. This volunteer corps is comprised of elementary, secondary, special, deaf and physical education teachers; occupational and physical therapists; and speech and language pathologists. Parents, business professionals, and college & high school students also volunteer their time and talents with TASK. Because of our volunteers, TASK is a reality.